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Hillside Little League - Omaha, Nebraska

Hillside Little League - Omaha, Nebraska

2025 Need to Know

Every parent, grandparent, guardian, coach or player wants to know what is needed each season. Hopefully this page will answer all your questions.

Important 2025 Dates

Equipment Rental Agreement

After the canceled 2020 season due to COVID-19 concerns, Hillside Little League changed the traditional practice of providing each head coach with various pieces of equipment for players without their own equipment to borrow for a game or throughout the season.

Even though the league strongly recommends each player use their own glove, bat, helmet, etc., the league will rent equipment to players based on availability. Hillside Little League requires anybody without their own personal equipment complete an Equipment Rental Agreement and the league would be happy to provide whatever is needed for your player to enjoy the 2025 season safely.

A check made out to Hillside Little League (or HLL) for the total rental cost is required to be handed to the Equipment Manager or Chief of Umpires prior to possession of Hillside's equipment. The league will hold onto the check until all equipment is returned at the end of the season then will be shredded.

Snack Shack Volunteer Hours

It takes over 1500 hours of volunteer time to operate the Hillside concessions stand (Snack Shack) each season. Moms, Dads, other family members, even friends and neighbors of Hillside players are needed to keep this lifeblood going.

On or before uniform pickup day, a $200 check (one check per family) made out to Hillside Little League must be handed to your team's head coach or submitted to those handing out uniforms on uniform pickup day. Also accepted is cash or Venmo, but checks are strongly preferred. Checks will be held until after the required volunteer time has been met then shredded.

When the Snack Shack volunteer signup page is ready, there will be a link to it on the left navigation menu on the site's homepage. Two-hour slots will become available throughout the season. For each player, a total of four hours will be required to be completed.

Believe it or not, Hillside would rather those checks be returned/shredded upon completion of the necessary hours per player than cash them in July!

T-ball Info

A schedule will not be posted until registration has been completed and teams have been formed. That will all be weather dependent, of course. They will practice for a couple of weeks prior to games beginning late April then play approximately 18 games, ending mid-June (does not include rain outs and we do not make these games up so we overschedule to compensate).

Practices and games are 45 minutes long.

Typical game schedule:

- Weekdays
     - Games start at either 6:00pm or 7:00pm
- Saturdays
     - Games start at one-hour intervals beginning at 10:00am to 6:00pm
- Sundays
     - Games start at one-hour intervals beginning at 12:00pm to 6:00pm


T-ball does not typically do any games after 6:00pm on weekends. There could be a 7:00pm weeknight game but that usually is when school is out.

All T-ball games are at our fields: 82nd and Western.

Age groups

- Click these links for official Little League age charts
     - Baseball
     - Softball

- T-Ball (Co-ed)
     - Ages 4-7

- Baseball
     - Farm: 6-8
     - Minor: 9-10
     - Major: 11-12
     - Reserve: 13-14
     - Jr. Varsity: 15-16
     - Varsity: 17-18

- Softball
     - Farm: 7-8
     - Minor: 9-10
     - Major: 11-12
     - Junior: 13-14
     - Senior: 15-18

What equipment is needed

Per the Equipment Rental Agreement mentioned above, Hillside provides the following equipment to players in need but strongly recommends players provide their own equipment:

- Glove
- Bat
     - Click here for sizing recommendations
          - Baseball: Little League has different requirements for bats depending on playing levels. Bats must have the following logos. Click here for more information.
               - USA BASEBALL logo
                    - T-Ball
                    - Farm
                    - Minor
                    - Major
               - USA BASEBALL logo or BBCOR logo
                    - Reserve
                    - Jr. Varsity
               - BBCOR logo
                    - Varsity
          - Softball: There are currently NO bat requirements at any level of Little League softball
- Protective headgear
     - Batting helmet with face mask
          - Batting helmets with face masks are not a Hillside Little League requirement but are strongly recommended      
     - Softball defensive face guards
          - Hillside Little League does not require softball players to wear face guards while playing defense but are strongly recommended
- Cleats (not required but highly recommended)
     - MUST be molded plastic/rubber for the following playing levels
          - T-Ball
          - Farm
          - Minor
          - Major
     - CAN be molded plastic/rubber OR metal cleats/spikes for the following playing levels
          - Jr./Sr. Softball
          - Reserve/Jr. Varsity/Varsity Baseball


Typical home game scheduling

- Weekdays
     - Games start at either 6:00pm or 8:00pm
- Saturdays
     - Games start at two-hour intervals beginning at 10:00am through 8:00pm
- Sundays
     - Games start at two-hour intervals beginning at 12:00pm through 8:00pm
- Game-free dates
     - Memorial Day Weekend (May 25-27)

Leagues or Athletic Associations we play against

- Memorial Little League
- Westgate (WWAA)
- Keystone Little League
- Suburban (OSAA)
- Benson Little League
- Grover Little League


Hillside Little League
7914 W Dodge Rd #518 
Omaha, Nebraska 68114

Email: [email protected]

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