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Hillside Little League - Omaha, Nebraska

Hillside Little League - Omaha, Nebraska

Game-time Routine

This page provides what is available to Hillside/Memorial umps from the Snack Shack and the following sections highlight what is expected before/during/after the games you sign up for.

Before games

     - arrive *at least 20 minutes* before game time with your mask, chest protector and leg guards
     - enter the back of the Snack Shack and get a:
          - clipboard (with rules on both sides)
          - pen
          - plate brush
          - clicker
          - ump card (review both sides carefully for the game you are officiating)
          - ump slip
     - on the ump slip, fill in the date,  field #, gendered game, league level, slot, your name and scheduled game start time
     - Farm/Minor/Major baseball ONLY: check bats in the dugouts for the USA Baseball logo. No other logos can be used.
     - Reserve and JV baseball ONLY: check bats in the dugouts for the USA logo or the BBCOR logo. Reserve teams can have either the USA Baseball logo or the BBCOR logo. JV teams can only have the BBCOR logo.
     - plate ump calls for a plate meeting at least five minutes before game start. The base ump should participate.
     - use the ump card during the plate meeting to discuss key rules and expectations
          - define the strike zone
          - get game ball from away team (home team is starting the game with their game ball)
          - more
     - set clipboard with pen, ump card and ump slip well out of the way
     - place any water bottle well out of the way (you don't want a passed ball to hit anything and be deflected unnaturally)
     - Plate ump: plate brush, clicker and a game ball should be with you at game start
     - Base ump: clicker should be with you at game start

During Games

    - Plate/Base ump
          - make loud and accurate calls
     - Plate ump
          - give new pitchers at most eight practice throws (returning pitchers five practice throws)
          - the official game start time begins when the pitcher makes their first practice pitch. Ump cards shows the official game duration and no new inning starts after the game clock expires. It is best practice to write the official game start time on your ump slip somewhere and announce the official game start time out loud so everybody understands..
          - encourage the catcher to make the "BALLS IN!" call to their team before the final practice throw
          - encourage the catcher to throw down to 2nd base on the final practice throw
          - take your mask off during all hits and get into best angle position you can quickly
          - call out the count loudly at least every other pitch
          - FYI: true foul tips are defined as "a batted ball that goes sharply and directly to the catcher's hand or glove and is legally caught." Unlike a foul ball, a foul tip can be a batter's third strike. A foul tip is considered equivalent to a ball in which the batter swings and misses, in that the baserunners are able to advance at their own risk (without needing to tag up)
     - Base ump
          - Be in the correct position (A, B & C)
          - use your clicker to match the plate ump's calls (they may ask you for your count so pay attention)

After Games

     - return the game balls to each team
     - take the clipboard with the ump slip and pen to the head coaches of each team for their signatures and comments
     - collect your borrowed game-time equipment and return them to the Snack Shack
     - circle the correct pay amount at the bottom of the ump slip
     - hand ump slip to person running the shack for cash payment


Hillside Little League
7914 W Dodge Rd #518 
Omaha, Nebraska 68114

Email: [email protected]

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