Farm (no umps until after Memorial Day)
- No new inning after 75 minutes (1hr 15min)
- Hard stop after 105 minutes (1hr 45min)
- Six inning max
- Six run max per half inning
- No on deck batters during play
- Pitching
- Kid-pitch during ODD innings
- Coach-pitch during EVEN innings
- Coach-pitch after ball four
- Coach-pitch after six total pitches to one batter
- Coach-pitch after batter hit by ball
- One pitcher per inning
- During kid-pitch, if coach pitches and two strikes exist at the time, strike count will be reduced to one before coach-pitch begins
- All players and coaches must pitch from the rubber. Coaches may stand, squat or take a knee to pitch.
- No walks allowed
- Base Running
- No extra bases on overthrows
- No stealing
- Once ball reaches the infield, regardless if fielder has control, play stops but runners are allowed to finish advancing to the base they are already headed to at their own risk
- No new inning after 90 minutes (1hr 30min)
- Six inning max
- Six runs max per half inning (NO limit for post-season tournament play)
- No on deck batters during play
- Run (Mercy) rule
- 15 runs after three complete innings
- 10 runs after four complete innings
- Uncaught (aka "dropped") third strike
- Not allowed. Batters may not advance and are out
- Base runners may advance at their own risk
- Base Running
- Base runners may lead off/steal only WHEN the ball passes the plate
- If leaving early, runners will be returned to base without an out (See examples)
- Runners may advance at their own risk on overthrows
- Home is closed after defense stops the runner at third base
- Home is open if overthrow is made at third. Runner may advance at their own risk
- If ball is thrown out of play (outside of fence, inside dugout or not reachable by a fielder who indicates), runners will advance one base
- Fielding
- Three or four outfielders max (must be agreed upon by both teams prior to game if four outfielders)
- Minimum eight players
- Six infielders max, including the pitcher and catcher
- No new inning after 90 minutes (1hr 30min)
- Six inning max
- Eight runs per half inning max (NO limit for post-season tournament play)
- No on deck batters during play
- Run (Mercy) rule
- 15 runs after three complete innings
- 10 runs after four complete innings
- Uncaught (aka "dropped") third strike
- Prior to May 1st, coaches must discuss prior to game starting
- On May 1st, all teams will have batters advance
- Permitted situations
- When first base is unoccupied with fewer than two outs
- When first base is occupied with two outs
- Base Running
- Base runners may lead off/steal only WHEN the ball passes the plate
- If leaving early, runners will be returned to base without an out. (See examples)
- Runners may advance at their own risk on overthrows
- Home is open at all times
- If ball is thrown out of play (outside of fence, inside dugout or not reachable by a fielder who indicates), runners will advance one base
- Fielding
- Nine players max (only three outfielders)
- Minimum eight players
- Six infielders max, including the pitcher and catcher